Beautiful Custom-Made Planters Since 2015

What Makes our Custom Planters Different?

Center Watering Tube

No one will argue the importance of watering your plants to keep them healthy and to obviously keep them alive. However, very few people consider the importance of focused and concentrated watering. Simply pouring water on the top surface of the typical planter does very little good! The water dries out too quickly and most of it goes down the sides and out the drain holes.
P3 Gardening’s Solution - We designed our planters with a perforated center watering tube. This allows water to be concentrated into the center of the soil where the plant’s roots can make best use of it. Watch our short video on how the centering watering tube works.


What's It Made of?

Terracotta pots are heavy, get very hot and can actually pull moisture out of the container soil. Ceramic pots are also heavy, hard to move around and easily crack. Most common plastic pots found in big box stores are imported from overseas and are made of cheap plastic resins that may contain harmful chemicals. The average plastic pot will start to deteriorate in less than 2 years due to exposure to the elements.
P3 Gardening’s Solution - Our planters are made with a Low Density Polyethylene Resin. A BPA Free material and is safe for growing edibles. Our planters are custom molded and hand trimmed here in Missouri. They are lightweight, yet extremely durable and come with a 10-year warranty for product durability and weather resistance.


Any larger planter can certainly get some weight to it once it is filled and if it becomes wet from rain, making it somewhat difficult to move around. Later in the summer months it is also nice to be able to move or rotate your planters around in and out of the sun to give them a break in the late afternoon heat.

P3 Gardening’s Solution – We offer a custom 5-Wheel Dolly Cart that fits
perfectly on the bottom of our planters
and can be used to help move them
around on your deck or patio surface. Also prevents common staining problems from having planters sit too long in one place.

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